RPC Lettings - Universal Credit/Benefits

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Universal Credit

Benefits information for Universal Credit and Housing Benefits

Universal Credit and Housing Benefit

We still have tenants in receipt of Housing Benefits administered by the Local Authority, but these are gradually being migrated to Universal Credit. Most tenants on benefits now receive Universal Credit from the Department of Works and Pensions.

Universal Credit is being rolled out across the UK, and here in the North West we have been dealing with it for 5 years.  RPC works very closely with both the DWP and our Local Authorities to do what we can to ensure our tenants apply for and receive the housing benefits they are entitled to, and our landlords receive the rent due to them.  In many cases we have been successful in applying for the housing benefit element of Universal Credit to be paid directly to us rather than to the tenant.  This makes things better for both parties, as the tenant is not tempted to spend this allowance on other expenses, and we are notified or become aware at an early stage if the benefit has dropped or has been stopped.  We encourage our tenants to continue receiving benefits by notifying the DWP regarding any change in their circumstances and keeping up to date with information required by the DWP. 


Tenants – If you have any queries about your online application or need help with providing the DWP with the information required, please ask us and we will do what we can to explain what they require and help you find what you need to supply to them.  When you take on a tenancy, we ask you tell the DWP that you have given us permission to ask the about your benefits and you want them to share that information with us.  This helps us keep your housing benefits coming in on time and stops you from getting into arrears and risk losing your home. RPC welcomes tenants on benefits, and we are here to help if we can.  Tenants - you can find the online application form for Universal Credit on this link.  Apply online for Universal Credit

Landlords – If your tenant falls into arrears we will ask the DWP for additional payments to gradually catch up and have been successful in collecting rent arrears in many cases. We have a dedicated secure email connection with the Universal Credit department giving us the advantage of quick and  confidential notification of payments and exchange of information.   RPC welcomes Landlords with properties in all areas, including the Compulsory Landlord Licencing  areas.  No area is “difficult to manage” for RPC, and we strive to do the best we can for both our Landlords and our Tenants.   For the official government information please follow this link.  UK Government Universal Credit Information


Short but sweet

From: Cynthia   Sent: 15 May 12:07 To: Mujeeb Rehman <mujeeb@rpclettings.co.uk> Subject: Tenant /property /management.   RPC managed many of my propertys AND do a fantastic job. Cynthia Landlady Read testimonials
Short but sweet

Short but sweet

From: Cynthia   Sent: 15 May 2019 12:07 To: Mujeeb Rehman  Subject: Tenant /property /management.   RPC managed many of my propertys AND do a fantastic job. Cynthia Landlady Read testimonials
Short but sweet

Lisa Hayes

From: LISA HAYES  Sent: Monday, June 3, 2024 1:11 PM To: Mujeeb Rehman    Hi Mujeeb   I just wanted to say a massive THANKYOU for arranging the refurbishment of my property.   I really appreciate your time in accompanying me there both before and after... Read testimonials
Lisa Hayes

Mike Perin

Mujeeb and his team have given a fantastic service over the years and have dealt with everything seamlessly and with minimum fuss. They have managed properties in the selective licensing area and have made sure that all the council rules and regulations have been met. I can't fault the service... Read testimonials
Mike Perin

John Cranwell-Ward

Thank you so much for everything Mujeeb especially for looking after me for 19 years! And thanks to Yvette and your superb team. You are probably the best landlord Management Team in the UK. All the very best   Read testimonials
John Cranwell-Ward

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